Wispers of Love

Enjoy the ride with Grant and Brooke.

It's a real roller coaster.

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ISBN: 0-7860-0055-4

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HOLT Medallion Winner!

Heart of the West Award (3rd Place)

Whispers Of Desire

Their marriage had been a never-ending whirl of

passion and excitement...a fantasy come true. But that

was five years ago, before her testimony against an

international assassin forced FBI agent Robyn

Richards to fake her death, change her identity, and

forever forsake the man she loved in

order to protect him.

Whispers Of Danger

But now, a life-and-death emergency forces Robyn to

seek her husband's aid in saving their child...the

daughter Grant never knew he'd had. And

although Robyn must keep her true identity hidden,

nothing on earth can stop her from responding once

again to Grant's sweet murmurs of love...the

sensuous feel of his body in her arms...and

the delirious, dangerous heat of

rekindled passion.

Whispers of Love

Whispers Of Love Excerpt

Robyn looked around as the cold wind whipped her hair out of place and smacked her in the face with it. Grant was obviously going the wrong way, there was nothing this way but planes and the runway. She turned taking his arm intent on leading him back toward the terminal, but instead he swung her around, until she was again walking in the opposite direction. A wry smile split his face, reflecting in his dark eyes.

"We're going the right way," he shouted above the noise of airplane engines and helicopter blades.

"Where are you taking me?" Robyn stopped, her gown a cloud of white enshrouding them.

"Out to dinner," he smiled.

"Out to dinner, where?"

"You said I could pick the restaurant." He took her arm and pulled her into step with him.

"There's no restaurant this way." Robyn saw the small plane loom in front of her. The roar from the motors made her scream to be heard. The wind plastered her gown to her, pushing the fragile whips of chiffon through her legs and making walking difficult. She had to take two steps to keep up with Grant's stride.

"We're going to Pier 7."

Robyn stopped, yanking her arm away. Pier 7 was in Washington, D.C. It sat on the Potomac River at the mouth of M-Street in the fashionable Southwest section of the city. She couldn't go there. She had missed D.C. in the five years since she'd left it. She couldn't go back. There were too many memories there pulling at her past.

"What's the matter?" he asked facing her.

"I can't go."

"Why not? Kari's with Will, Marianne's got things under control at the restaurant, you're free for the evening."

"But why D.C.? There are plenty of places to eat here. Why must we go four hundred miles for dinner?" Robyn pushed her hair back. The long curls, which had looked so perfect in her mirror, were tangled tendrils playing cat-and-mouse with the enhanced wind generated by the thrust of huge engines preparing to leave the airfield. Ceasing movement had given her gown time to release her legs only to veil them both in a billowing fog of white material.

"Come on, we can't talk in this wind." He shouted in her ear before again taking her arm and leading her back into the terminal. The Cessna-110 sat outside, a looming enemy to Robyn's eyes.

"I thought I'd surprise you. Marianne and Will told me you hadn't been out of Buffalo as long as they've known you. I thought this would be a nice surprise. I guess I'm a little out of practice when it comes to what women like."

Robyn felt small. She knew he was ignorant to the reasons she couldn't go to the capital.

"We'll go someplace else. Where would you like to eat?"

It was against everything she knew she should do, but Robyn heard herself saying, "I know a nice restaurant on the Potomac River." She was rewarded with his smile.

"I promise to have you home before morning."

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