SloeBurn's Bird Feeder Page

hello and welcome to my second attemp online

these are the ten birdfeeding stations in my backyard

Stump Feeder |Hopper Feeder |Fly-Through Feeder |Squirrel Feeder |Thisle Feeder |
|Cardinal Feeder |Tube Feeder |Woodpecker Feeder |

Stump (platform) feeder

this is an oak stump- hauled in and used as a platform feeder
we feed
cracked corn, whole and in the shell peanuts
and occasionally over-ripe fruit

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Hopper Feeder

this is a typical hopper feeder
filled with
'beechwood blend' mixed seed

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Fly Through Feeder

this is a fly-through feeder
filled with
'beechwood blend' mixed seed,cracked corn.
also added are whole and in the shell peanuts, old thistle seed, and sometimes
a handfull of dog and/or cat food
(good source of calcium for eggs and bones)

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Squirrel Feeder

This is a Squirrle feeder
it's filled with peanuts - both
in and out of the shell

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Cardinal Feeder

The Cardinal feeder is filled with
Black oil
sunflower seeds

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Tube Feeder

The feeder on the left is a tube feeder from the National Audoban Society

its filled with Black oil sunflower seeds

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Thislte Feeder

Left, is from the National Audoban Society
right, is a less expensive feeder.
Both are filled with
thistle seed

Birds prefer the Audoban feeder

this feeder is also from the National Audoban Society (note similarity)
However it is an up-side down feeder!!
this feeder is designed to discourage the non-native house finch
as they can not swallow when upside down
this can lead to some quite enjoyable sights as the bird swings down,
grabs a seed and rights itself to eat it.

This feeder is also filled with thisle seed

these detail photos show the difference
(note the background - not a trick)

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Woodpecker Feeder

This feeder is designed for woodpeckers. Nut hatches will also feed here. this is filled with lyric woodpecker food

Squirrles will damage this feeder

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Click here for seed info
or above on the seed type you wish to view
(NOTE: This index contains types not lsted above)


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Currently I have No feeders up and running as i have yet to arange the new backyard. Hope to be posting new info soon Sb

Last updated 2/2004

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