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Welcome to Estuvie's Home Page, the home of Roy Stone. I'm glad you decided to visit. Relax, be yourself. This is dedicated to the memory of John Lennon and now George Harrison. We are all less well off without them. Love and be loved!

So how is everyone out there? With all the web sites and personal pages I'm not surprised noboby visits my little corner of the web! Be safe!

My oldest daughter graduated high school ahead of schedule. She lives with my new wife and I and is attending junior college. My Mother will be moving in with us in January 2004.

Happy at home doesn't come close! Ecstatic is more like it!! We've been in our new home just over a year now. If we're lucky we may get to stay here another year.


I still haven't been getting together with my oldest, best friend nearly enough. He works two jobs and never really has any time.

Jellybean Jar

Big sis decided to work another year. Working conditions improved because an abusive administrator got hers. Sometimes there is justice in this world.


Chris Galvin "retired", but after he helped Motorola lead the way in exporting American jobs and giving away technology to China. He should change the company name to Chinola. I'm one of those he helped become unemployed. I'm an American engineer, an endangered species. I've been out of work since May 2003.

Thanks for visiting. Please feel free to stop by any time.


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