"Contentment comes not from achieving what you want,
but from the realization of how much you already have."

high there?!! welcome to my GeoCities website. name's William Isaac Nichols Esquire.
a.k.a. Link, a.k.a. Raven, a.k.a. Rake, a.k.a. a bunch of other names that can't be repeated in polite company.
so you can just call me DarcElph.

i signed up on 03/13/98 22:01:25, and my sites always under some serious construction.

if you would please remember to sign my guestbook, i like to hear what you people have to say.
Use the one in the banner at the top of the screen 'cause the rest don't seem to work, kay?

so come on in, make yourself comfortable, pardon the mess, and uh... watch your step.

life, friends, and the unknown are my interests


whenever you're ready to start your journey just click on the butterfly and it will take you away.

please come back soon and visit me.

© 1997 darcelph@yahoo.com

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