The University of Tetova is located in the suburbs of the city of Tetova, Republic of Macedonia. Most of the buildings and the headquarters are situated in the north-western part of the city, but some are in the northern-northeastern part.

The city of Tetova is situated in the valley of Pollog, capturing the northern and eastern part of the valley. The only other city in the valley of Pollog is Tetova's twin-city, Gostivar. Pollog is located amongst mountains on all sides. Its whole northern part is enclosed by the gorgeous Sharri mountains, with some of the highest peaks in whole Macedonia. In the south lay "Mali i thate" ("The dry mountains"). These mountains offer the only gateway from Pollog to the valley of Skopje (where the capital of R. of Macedonia lay), through the gorge of Derveni. In the Albanian language, "Derveni" means "the swine place" because of its nature.

There are two rivers that pass within the city limits of Tetova. The most important oe, which passes through the city itself is the river Shkumbi (Pena in Macedonian) - "the Foam", called thus because it creates foam falling in the rocks through which it passes. The other river, Vardari, is much bigger and Shkumbi is actually Vardari's branch, but it losses its importance because it passes through the villages, and not through the city itself. Through Shkumbi and other waters of the mountain Sharri, Tetova always gets fresh water, and its inhabitants often proudly remark that they drink the "water of Sharri".

Through the gorge of Derveni passes the highway that connects Tetova and Skopje, which drives parallel to the river Vardari, Macedonia's biggest river. The same highway goes through the southern part of the city and goes on west toward Gostivari and out of the valley of Pollog. Another highway in the northeast leads out of the country, on to Kosovo. Along all these roads lay many villages, which characterize Tetova.

To be added: more about infrastructure, population, history, culture atc.

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