Just some lovely words...



How, then, can I tell you of my love?
Strong as the eagle,
soft as the dove,
Patient as the pine tree
that stands in the sun
and whispers to the wind...
'You are the one!'

Indian Love Poem



Love of my life

Love of my life
I knew in my heart
That I will always love you
And we'll never part
You're the love of my life
The soul of my soul
You're the love of my life
Our love will never fail
This you probably know

by Stefanie Parker



Thoughs of you

In the morning
when the sun
is just starting to light the day
I am awakened
and my first thoughts are of you

At night
I stare at the dark trees
silhouetted against the quiet stars
I am entranced into a complete peacefulness
and my last thoughts are of you

by Susan Polis Schutz




We may never learn
All there is to know
About Love...
But every day together
Will teach us
A little more about
And the special kind
Of happiness
We can bring
To each other.
I'm glad I'm learning
About Love with You!

by Anonymous


Somebody loves you

Somebody loves you
Far more than you know
With a love that keeps growing
As days come and go...
Somebody needs you
To make life worthwhile
Needs your warm touch
And the joy of your smile

by Anonymous



I Knew I'd Miss You.

When you care about someone
as much as I do about you,
being apart is a hard thing to get used to.
I thought I'd handle it just fine...
and that I'd be happy just to keep you
on my mind.
But it isn't always that easy...
Sometimes the one thing that
would please me the most...
is simply seeing you.
I knew that I'd miss you.
I just didn't know
I'd miss you as much as I do.

by Alin Austin

"....And if I go while you're still here...
know that I live on vibrating to a different measure
...behind a thin veil you cannot see through
You will not see me, so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again
...both aware of each other.
Until then, live life to its fullest
and when you need me,
just whisper my name in your heart,

...I will be there..."

by Anonymous

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