Captain Video's Holder Pics

Welcome to Captain Video's Holder Page. If you're not interested in sexy women who use cigarette holders, boy did you come to the wrong place!

Under construction, as always. If you find any broken links, please report which page and which picture so I can fix them. Will 15mb of space at Geocities, as new pages go up, old ones go down, which is why we're now starting with page 16. Most pictures are gleaned from the newsgroup alt.smokers.glamour, and others are contributed by email and some I find in other newsgroups.

If you use your real email and you want contributions credited under a different nick, make sure you mention it! Just remember that there's a ban on nudity on Geocities and that there's a 500KB attachment limit.


Current Background Picture

Page 16

Page 17

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Page 22

NEW! Page 23 - July 23, 2000

Holder Links - Updated April 1, 2000

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Visitors since December 28, 1999

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