Activity Update


Monthly Outing:
Nov. 19-21
Armadillos, Javelinas, and Badgers patrols: Camping trip to Webelos Woods, Camp Arrowmoon
Dragons, Alpha Males, and Nutreas patrols: Backpacking trip to Colorado Bend State Park

Eagle Court of Honor Reminder:
Saturday, November 6, 7:00pm
Court of Honor for Travis Milam will be held at the McBride's home. Please contact Steve Milam for directions.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Monthly Outing:
Oct. 15-17, Backpacking Trip to Fairfield State Park
Leave the church parking lot Friday at 5:30 pm
Return to church parking lot Sunday by noon.

Tuesday, October 19, Patrol Leader Council Meeting, 7-8:30pm:
Next Tuesday, we will have our monthly Patrol Leader Council meeting from 7-8:30pm to plan the upcoming month's program feature. The only Scouts who should attend this meeting are the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Troop Scribe, Troop Quartermasters, and Patrol Leaders. Everyone else will not meet again until Tuesday, October 26.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Woodlake Estates Cleanup
Woodlake Estates is asking for Boy Scout volunteers to help with lake property maintenance this Saturday, October 9, 2004, from 8:30am to 12:30 pm. If you remember, earlier this year, Jim Bob Ward obtained permission from the Woodlake homeowners association for Troop 60 to conduct activities at the Association's 4 acre commons area and 48 acre lake in exchange for service hours. Any help would be appreciated.

Specific jobs could include:

  • Cleaning debris from the spillway (by boat, bring a PFD)
  • Clearing brush
  • Stacking and burning wood
  • Powerwashing park benches
  • Placing bags of concrete at the end of the boat ramp (bring swimming shorts)
  • Weed-eating
  • and others
Bring suitable clothing.

Monthly Outing:
Oct. 15-17, Backpacking Trip to Fairfield State Park
Leave the church parking lot Friday at 5:30 pm
Return to church parking lot Sunday by noon.
The Scouts will be deciding menus Oct. 5 and 12. On previous backpacking trips each boy has purchased his own food.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Annual Planning Meeting

Saturday, August 21--Christ United Methodist Church, same location as weekly troop meetings, 9am-5pm
  • 8-9am, breakfast (provided by troop)
  • 9am-5pm, planning (lunch provided by troop)
All boys interested in planning next year's program/activities are invited to attend.

Court of Honor:
August 24--7pm-8pm
We will be awarding the various merit badges and rank advancements the boys have earned at summer camp and during the time from our last Court of Honor. As always, the entire family is invited and we are asking each family to bring a dessert of their choice and a bottle of soda for our refreshments.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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August Dates:
August 17--Troop Meeting, 7-8:30pm
August 24--Troop Meeting, 7-8:30pm
August 31--Troop Meeting, 7-8:30pm

Annual Planning Camp Out--Camp Arrowmoon--Aug. 27-29
Troop outing for all boys interested in participating in our annual events and program planning.
Fri., Aug. 27--Meet in church parking lot at 6:00pm
Sun., Aug. 29--Return to church parking lot by noon

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Summer Camp:

  • One more opportunity for pre-camp swim check:
    Saturday, June 26, 6pm, Bryan Aquatic Center
    , bring $2.00 for admission to pool.
  • Departing: Sunday, June 27, meet at 7:30am in the church parking lot. Please bring a sack lunch/drink as we will not be stopping at a restaurant on the way.
  • Returning: Saturday, July 3, return around 5pm in the church parking lot. Please bring money for food for the return trip.

Schedule for remainder of summer:

  • July 6, 13, 20--NO MEETING
  • July 27: First meeting of new year--discussion of elections
  • August 3: Troop elections--SPL and PLs
  • August 10: Patrol Leaders' Council meeting to prepare for annual program planning weekend
  • August 13-15: Annual planning weekend at Camp Arrowmoon for elected and appointed troop leadership
  • August 17: Troop meetings (every Tuesday unless PLC scheduled)

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Summer Camp Reminder:
We will be attending camp this year at Sid Richardson Scout Camp the week of June 27-July 3, 2004. The camp is located northwest of Ft. Worth on the east side of Lake Bridgeport.

Fees due now:

  1. For Scouts/Adults who are attending the traditional "base camp" summer camp:
    Fees: Youth--1st payment of $60.00/youth due now.
    Final payment of $105.00/youth due May 30.
    Adult--$83.00 (total payment) due May 30.
  2. For Scouts who have pre-registered for the High Adventure camp:
    The 2nd payment from Scouts and Adults of $60.00 per person is due now.
    Final payment of $65.00 from Scouts and Adults will be due May 30.

Your Scout was given a separate handout tonight detailing recommended gear for summer camp and medical policy. Please review and let Mr. Rougas know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, June 1, Patrol Leader Council Meeting, 7-8:30pm:
Next, Tuesday, we will have our monthly Patrol Leader Council meeting from 7-8:30pm to plan the upcoming month's program feature. The only Scouts who should attend this meeting are the SPL, ASPL, and PLs.
Everyone else will meet again at our regular troop meeting Tuesday, June 8.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Summer Camp Reminder:
We will be attending camp this year at Sid Richardson Scout Camp the week of June 27-July 3, 2004. The camp is located northwest of Ft. Worth on the east side of Lake Bridgeport.

Fees due now:

  1. For Scouts/Adults who are attending the traditional "base camp" summer camp:
    Fees: Youth--1st payment of $60.00/youth due now.
    Final payment of $105.00/youth due May 30.
    Adult--$83.00 (total payment) due May 30.
  2. For Scouts who have pre-registered for the High Adventure camp:
    The 2nd payment from Scouts and Adults of $60.00 per person is due now.
    Final payment of $65.00 from Scouts and Adults will be due May 30.

April Events:
April 23-25
We will leave from the church parking lot at 5:30 pm Friday, April 23, in our Class "A" uniforms and return by noon on Sunday.

Scouting for Food:
April 27, Tuesday night, 7-8:30--Bags out
This will be in place of our regular weekly troop meeting. We will meet in Pebble Creek Country Club parking lot to distribute food collection bags in the Pebble Creek neighborhood.
May 1, Saturday morning, 9-11am--Bags collected
We will meet again in Pebble Creek Country Club parking lot to collect the bags distributed on Tuesday night and take them to the Church Pantry in Bryan.

We need adult drivers for both of these dates to shuttle the boys through the neighborhood. Please plan on helping if possible.

Our first Eagle Court of Honor
Sunday, May 9, 2:00pm
Church Fellowship Hall, directly across from where we have our regular weekly meetings. This will be our first ever Eagle Court of Honor in Troop 60's history and something you don't want to miss.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Summer Camp Reminder:
We will be attending camp this year at Sid Richardson Scout Camp the week of June 27-July 3, 2004. The camp is located northwest of Ft. Worth on the east side of Lake Bridgeport.

Fees due now:

  1. For Scouts/Adults who are attending the traditional "base camp" summer camp:
    Fees: Youth--1st payment of $60.00/youth due now.
    Final payment of $105.00/youth due May 30.
    Adult--$83.00 (total payment) due May 30.
  2. For Scouts who have pre-registered for the High Adventure camp:
    The 2nd payment from Scouts and Adults of $60.00 per person is due now.
    Final payment of $65.00 from Scouts and Adults will be due May 30.

April Events:
April 23-25
We will leave from the church parking lot at 5:30 pm Friday, April 23, in our Class "A" uniforms and return by noon on Sunday. More information to follow as the date draws nearer.

Scouting for Food:
April 27, Tuesday night, 7-8:30--Bags out
This will be in place of our regular weekly troop meeting. We will meet in Pebble Creek Country Club parking lot to distribute food collection bags in the Pebble Creek neighborhood.
May 1, Saturday morning, 9-11am--Bags collected
We will meet again in Pebble Creek Country Club parking lot to collect the bags distributed on Tuesday night and take them to the Church Pantry in Bryan.

We need adult drivers for both of these dates to shuttle the boys through the neighborhood. Please plan on helping if possible.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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District Camporee:
March 26 through March 28--Bovay Scout Ranch
Registration for the campout is $5.00 per Scout and $5.00 per Adult.
We will leave from the church parking lot at 5:30pm Friday, 3/26, in our Class "A" uniforms and return by noon on Sunday.

Upcoming Eagle Project for Travis Milam:
When: Saturday, April 3, 8:30am
Where: Bee Creek Park, we'll meet in the pavilion behind Adamson Lagoon
What: Cleaning up trails so bring the following if you have them:

Donuts will be served before we start, then pizza afterward.

Tuesday, March 30, Patrol Leader Council Meeting, 7-8:30 pm.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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District Camporee:
March 26 through March 28--Bovay Scout Ranch
Registration for the campout is $5.00 per Scout and $5.00 per Adult.
Monies are due at 3/23 meeting.
We will leave from the church parking lot at 5:30pm Friday, 3/26, in our Class "A" uniforms and return by noon on Sunday.

Upcoming Eagle Project for Travis Milam:
When: Saturday, April 3, 8:30am
Where: Bee Creek Park, we'll meet in the pavilion behind Adamson Lagoon
What: Cleaning up trails
Please plan on helping out.



As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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Merit Badge University: (for Scouts who pre-registered only)
February 28, Zachary Engineering Building, TAMU, corner of University Drive and Bizzell Street. Registration starts at 7:30 am, classes end at 5 pm.
Free parking in Lots PA50 and PA51 off University Dr. and Bizzell, next to Rugby fields across from Zachary. Please do not park in Numbered spaces. Sack lunches are advisable for all attendants.

Summer Camp High Adventure 2nd Payment
Amount: $60.00 each for adults and youth
Due: Now

Yearly Dues:
Yearly fees are now due:

Feb. 1--$100.00 per Scout for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, patches, etc.
Feb. 1--$8.00 per Adult Leader for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, etc.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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February Outing:
February 13-15, Backpacking Trip to Lost Maples State Natural Area

  • Leave: Church parking lot, Friday morning at 7:00am.
  • Return: Sunday by 5:00 pm.
  • Need to bring sack lunch for Friday and money for lunch on return trip on Sunday for McDonald's, Wendy's, etc.

February 28, Merit Badge University, Texas A&M University
More information will be forthcoming as Mr. Rougas receives it. Please turn in your interest survey by next week's meeting (February 10).

Summer Camp High Adventure 2nd Payment
Amount: $60.00 each for adults and youth
Due: No later than Feb. 10 meeting.

Yearly Dues:
Yearly fees are now due:

Feb. 1--$100.00 per Scout for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, patches, etc.
Feb. 1--$8.00 per Adult Leader for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, etc.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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January Outing:
Campout--Brazos Bend State Park
January 16-18
Friday, meet in church parking lot 5:30pm, return by 1:00pm Sunday. We will pack the trailer on Tuesday night so please be prompt on Friday.
We will visit the telescopes at Brazos Bend on Saturday night. The small telescopes are free to use. Larger telescopes are $2 (domed telescope) and $3 (research telescope) each to view. Boys should bring their own money for telescope viewing.

Tuesday, January 20, Patrol Leader Council Meeting, 7-8:30pm:
Next Tuesday, we will have our monthly Patrol Leader Council meeting from 7-8:30pm to plan the upcoming month's program feature. The only Scouts who should attend this meeting are the SPL, ASPL, and PLs. (John Michael T., Judah M., Kevin D., Kevin R., Zac W., Hart N.-R., Ben J., Ryan P., and Quinton S.). Everyone else will not meet again until Tuesday, January 27.

Yearly Dues:
We will begin our annual re-chartering process very soon. The yearly fees are as follows:

Feb. 1--$100.00 per Scout for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, patches, etc.
Feb. 1--$8.00 per Adult Leader for re-chartering fees, insurance coverage, etc.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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January 13 Meeting:
Please bring $10.00 for food for this weekend's campout at Brazos Bend State Park.

January 20 Meeting:
Please note that this meeting is a Patrol Leaders Council meeting. Only those boys holding troop level positions (Senior Patrol Leader, Troop Quartermaster, etc.) and Patrol Leaders need to attend. Also please note that these meetings last 1 hour (7:00-8:00) as opposed to our normal 1.5 hour meeting.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rougas if you have any questions.

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