Welcome to my website.  Here you will find information on the Gatens and Guilliams families.This website branches off of two pages, each one dedicated to one of the families. From there, you will be able to click on links and find out more information on individuals in that particular family.
Or......you can click directly on one of the links below to go to a desired page.
Gatens Genealogy
Guilliams Genealogy
Patrick Gatens
Frank Gatens
George B. Gatens
Mary Gatens-Cremen
Mary Cremen Photo
Annie Cremen
Joseph Cremen
William Nemier Gatens
James John Gatens
James Francis Gatens
Evelyn Gatens Bremmer
James Francis and John Arthur (baby)
James Francis Gatens' Photo Page
Felix Elgene Gatens
John Arthur Gatens
Roy Bremmer
Evalena Ximena "Babe" Gatens-Linder
Mary Alena Guilliams-Gatens
Irene Guilliams
Louis Olsen Crew
Marcus Guilliams
Ana Guilliams
Newton Guilliams
Frank Gatens, Rufus Guilliams, Henry Hendrickson and Carrol Davis
Rufus Guilliams
John L. and Rachel Guilliams
Email Me
Loren and Janine Davis Page