Freckles68's Home

Welcome, all my good friends (huggss
all around). I'm so glad you're patient
with me. I've never done this before
Here Goes!

Now where did I put my candles?
My scented oil?
My phone?


Did I hear an Uh-Oh?
While I soak away my cares, you might want to check out some of my favorite links!!!

 Heart Tellers- Body Love
 My Webcam Page
 Great Web Resources

That's funny. I don't remember posing  for Jonathon Earl Bowser before...LOL.
Check out his other goddess art at

 Feathers' Links

 California without the broken glass

In a word-Tranquil

Moon River

Fireplace for lovers


Freckles68's Romance Page

Now that I'm all towelled off and feeling fresh I think I'll join you, my good friends, online.
Be there in a minute!!!
Come visit again soon. I'm just learning this stuff!

Some artist has been looking at my family album again...LOL

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It's such a nice warm day here at the beach

I think I'll go

pick some

flowers!!! ...LOL

Huggs all around, friends!!!!