Reading Room Calmat's Top Ten List
Calmat's Top Ten, at last!

1. Ender's Game,Orson Scott- Card. What can I say, I see myself in this one, although, I'm not quite the egghead....(ATZ, don't you dare call me a nerd!)

2. Watchers, Dean Koontz. Gotta love those animals. My dog's name was Einstein, too, that is, until I realized that the mutt would walk away when told to sit, and he would then jump on his hind legs when told to heel. Ah well, that's a dog for you.

3. With a Tangled Skein, Piers Anthony. The man can weave a tale.

4. The Hobbit, J.R. R Tolkein. I've read this book so many different times it isn't even funny. In elementary, junior high, and high school, and twice in college.

5. White Fang, London This book gave me goosebumps. Great story.

6. The High King, Lloyd Alexander. Another elelmentary school read. It was my first exposure to fantasy, came a year before The Hobbit.

7. Complete works of Edgar Allan Poe. The man has a thing for semicolons! I had to do his Tale-Tell Heart for a speech tournament. I won for Dramatic Interpretation!

8. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens. I guess I enjoy the coming of age books.

Witness my next two choices.
9. Catcher in the Rye. Salinger. I love being rebellious.

10. The Color of Her Panties, Piers Anthony. Gotcha! Had to include a little sample that lets you into my demented world, didn't I?

Well, was it worth the wait? It only took me a year and a half to complete it!