Reading Room Toolman2000 Top Ten List
Well I'm mostly into Sci-fi and fantasy but I've read a lot of other stuff. But 10 is going to be hard to narrow it down... and in no way are this in order.

1) DragonLance Chronciles, Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman. Good ole fantasy fun. Good Guy always win you know?

2) Dune, Frank Herbert. Great book too bad the sequels weren't as good. The Arabic names screwed me up a little though. But you get used to it.

3) Catch-22, Joseph Heller. Humorus book about war from a Air Force base in Italy during WWII.

4) Once and Future King, T.H. White. You like Sword and the Stone? This is where it came from. Plus it shows how life its great for everybody.

5) A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemmingway. Another one were the good guy doesn't always win in the end.

6) Rising Sun, Michael Crichton. An excellent murder mystery, read it in about a total of 8 hours. Only stopping to eat dinner.

7) The Elenium, David Eddings. A dark fantasy but still good... and the good guys win in this one.

8) The Belgraid, David Eddings. Good guy wins, basic war of the gods type thing, but still good none the less.

9) Neuromancer, William Gibson. Cyberpunk classic started off the craze. Good read, just very graphic.

10) The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein. How could I forget the man that practically started the fantasy genre.