Reading Room
The Reading Room Regulars
Homepage Listing

Ever wonder if anyone else in the reading room has a home page? Well, this is my attempt to find and list the homepages of the characters you will find in the Reading Room. It is a work in progress, and as such, there are many that I am sure I have missed. However, if you see one I don't have, just drop me an email, and I will post it here!

So, without further delay, here is the list (as I know it).

Darkwind Taran Frnzxguy White Iris
Sybil Vane Mysty Lord Gohan's Gesture Site Cordie's Cottage
If you are interested in submitting your home page, please send an email to Frnzxguy.

Think you need something to spice up your VP experience? You can visit my VP Tools page, for some cool additions to enhance Virtual Places software.
Last Updated on 8/26/2000

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