Cynthia & Suresh's Italian Holiday |
Yes, the crazy couple was off to Europe again for our yearly break from the usual madness. This time we spent two weeks in Italy.The first week was spent in Rome, uncovering the romance and history of the Eternal City. The following week was spent on an adventure north of Italy to Siena, Florence, Pisa, Venice and Assisi, stopping in between to visit and savour the wine regions of Frascati, Chianti and Valpolicella. |
Outside the Colloseum, on a freezing morning. Just another excuse to start drinking 'vino' in the morning actually!!. Truly an architectural wonder of the world - especially when your're high!!
At Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City after Sunday Mass with His Holiness, the Pope. Quite a miracle to have actually received Communion although there were thousands of people there.
Outside th tomb of Saint Francis in Assisi. Quite a climb to get up to this church. One of the few pictures where we were not high on vino!!
On the infamous Gondola in Venice, being serenaded by a gorgeous hot-blooded Italian (not the one in the picture, he just rows the gondola!) By far the most expensive city we visited in Italy.