I'm glad you stopped in!To my Poetry and Quotations Page.
I hope after you leave this page, something on here touched you!
So kick off your shoes, grab a beer and enjoy!
P.S.......And ALWAYS will be..
Here is an original..By my good Friend, Ron.
A friend is somene you respect, and whom you will always stand by, even if you they neglect, you are still there when they cry, a friend is someone you admire, someone that you hold dear, of whom you seldom tire, whether far away or very near, a friend is someone you would do anything for, and when they have reached the end of their rope, you give them what they need and more, you are their last and only hope, a friend is someone for whom you are strong, a shelter for them till the end, treating one in these ways is never wrong, smile be happy and know that you are lucky to have one you call friend.
Sue, I am glad you are one I call friend.
Here are some you might recognize...