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Welcome to Black Rose Poetry. Here you will find works by me, my friends, and well-known authors. You may also submit your own poetry which I just might post here. The poetry here is divided into sections, or moods. I'm sure you will enjoy each and every one of them. Also if you are interested please check out the information I have collected about the authors.

blackrose.jpg - 2707 Bytes The Black Roses
At the black roses you will find works that pertain to the darkers sides of our hearts. Various types of erotica and occult.
The Red Rose
What does a red rose symbolize? Exactly. This section is full of romance and love.
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orangerose.jpg - 2795 Bytes The Orange Rose
This is where you can find recomendations on what good books to read. Also, links to where you can get them.
The Yellow Rose
No poetry here, but this is where you can read various short stories and skits by me and various friends of mine.
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greenrose.jpg - 3175 Bytes The Green Rose
The green rose represents everyday life, our interpretations of it, and the ironies we have found.
The Blue Rose
This is our sad section. Here you will find topices such as unrequited love, guilt, etc...
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violetrose.jpg - 2807 Bytes The Violet Rose
The poems in this section are about spirituality, various religions, and the inner workings of one's self.

Submit Your Own Poetry
The Authors

This Page And All Graphics Were Created By
Neon Angel
Please dont use without permission.