Từ  9 giờ 30 am 06/04/05 tại Natural Bridge State Beach

Đến 4giờ 30 pm 06/04/05


Child’s full name:.....................................................................................................

Address :……………………………………………………………..Apt :……………..

City………………………..Zip Code Ca……………

Daytime telephone ……………………………..Evening telephone:…………………

Fax :………………………………… E-mail……………………………………………..

Health Insurance Company :………………………………………Policy #………….

In emergency, person to be contacted :………………………….. telephone #:……


Pledge - Cam kết :

I, freely choose to join in the group of Them Suc (St. Patrick Chieu) to picnic at Natural Bridge State Beach (Santa Cruz, CA) I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and personal representatives, release, hold harmless and discharge forever the Roman Catholic Church, the Diocese of San Jose, the Vietnamese Parish, the Christian Brothers, their staffs and their officers, leaders, chaperons, sponsors, agents, promoters, and affiliates from any and all liability, claim, loss, damage, cost or expense and waive any claims against any such person or organization arising directly or indirectly from and attributable in any legal way to any action or omission to act of any such person or organization in connection with the sponsorship, organization and services relating to these events. I pledge obedience to all the rules of the group.


Con em tκn, Student’s signature:...........................................................


In case of emergency, I, the parent of the above mentioned child, give the permission to any any hospital or to any physician selected by the chaperon to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate. Any resulting hospital, medical or related costs and expenses will first be paid by the medical insurance or benefit plan of mine or my spouse. I also agree with the above pledge of my child.


Họ tκn Cha hay Mẹ,

Parent’s name:.............................................................................


Cha mẹ tκn, Parent’s signature………………………………………


 …………..., 2005