The children are being pushed and shoved, When they should be getting assurance and love.. Why must we put them in the middle of fights? Instead of just doing what for them is right? Divorce is hardest on the children for sure, Think of all the pain they have had to endure.. They have lost their family, and lost their place.. This really is just a big disgrace.. I see their hurt; I see their pain, I see their tears falling like rain.. They feel caught between us two.. We are breaking promises, me and you.. Why can't we work this out for their sake? It's just matter of some give and take.. We try to talk but we just fight and yell, And it puts the kids through a living hell.. Next thing we know we are going to court, Hoping through all of this mess the judge can sort.. We yank and we pull the kids between us two, For them there is no escape, nothing they can do.. They are the real victims of divorce you see, Why can't we both just love them like it's supposed to be? No matter who wins in court, the kids will lose, Why do we have to keep acting like fools? The children are not a possession we can argue about, Listen to your heart; listen to your doubt.. They were born with two parents in a loving home, We tore it apart and now it is gone.. We can't fix the marriage for it is over and through, But there is something we both need to do.. The children need to know it's ok to love both of us, We need to give them back their ability to trust.. Something has to be done before it's too late, We are not suppose to teach them how to hate.. Parents are suppose to be the role model you see, Something we have not been doing to well truthfully.. Maybe after court we can work out this mess, Come to an agreement and put it to rest.. Stop putting the kids in the middle of our fight, And do for our children what is right.. 08/25/98 By Emerald