Imgine how different the world today would be, If things had turned out differently. What if we were never taught to hate? What would have been the world's fate? What if men no longer felt the need to fight, Over who is wrong and who is right? What if it didn't matter about the color of skin, No one would lose, we all would win. Our childen would be better off indeed, If their world wasn't filled with hate and greed.. With no hate there would be no wars, The world would be a better place I'm sure... What if we could look at everyone and see, We are all just branches of the same tree. No matter how we look on the outside, We all live and we all die.. I wish we could go back to the start, And get everyone to do their part. The future would be a brighter place, Instead of just an empty space... 04/24/98 By Emerald