I miss you more than I can stand... And I ache for the touch of your hand.. My heart keeps calling out your name, While I try to keep from going insane... Minutes seem like hours and hours like days, And I find myself wishing this time away... This time that I spend without you here alone, When all I have is your voice on the phone... I long for your smile, I long for your kiss, There's nothing about you that I don't miss.. When I am with you the time seems to fly, But when you aren't with me, it just drags by... I miss the feel of you stroking my hair, And the sound of the growl you make like a bear... "I love you" is not just something you say, The fact is you show me in so many little ways... And so there's no denying that is has to be true, You say it with every little thing that you do... I miss the way I feel when I'm with you, And all the little thing that we do... When I am in your arms I feel like I belong, Like nothing could ever again go wrong... You make me feel safe and make my heart soar, And you make me feel loved and oh so much more... I miss the fun and all of our laughter, And how you make me believe in happily ever after... Then there's the way you have of making me smile, When things seem to have gone wrong for awhile... And so on and on goes this very long list, Of all these things about you that I miss... Our playful aruguments when we give the other a hard time, And how at times we can read the other one's mind... How we freak each other out when we do, Then ask each other how, when we don't have a clue... But the answer is simple if we don't think too hard, With each other we simply let down our guard... I miss just being able to reach out with a touch, There's the look of love in your eyes I miss so much... The sound of your voice, the way you say my name, How I can tell you anything and you love me the same... The tender way you treat me like you think I might break, And how you give of yourself and don't want to take... I miss our talks about whatever is on our mind, And how with each other we don't have to hide... How with each talk we learn more about the other, It shows we are best friends as well as lovers... And how we have a love that is oh so rare, And how it get's stonger with every moment we share... There is one thing I want you to believe, And that is you are everything I could ever need... Our hearts and our souls are entertwined, And they have been since the beginning of time... For we were meant to be together, it can't be denied, We couldn't fight it even though both of us tried... I just want to be with you and never let you go, 'Cause I love you heart, body and soul... You are as much a part of me as the beating of my heart, Without you here I feel like I'm lost in the dark... I long for you all night, and I wish for you all day... And I miss you more than I could ever say... I can't think of anything that I don't miss, And one thing I can promise you is this... Though we can't be together all the time now, Together we will overcome everything somehow... Nothing on this is earth will ever keep us apart, For the love we have comes from deep in our hearts... 6/15/95 By Emerald