The Power of Fear

Fear is a very powerful thing. It can cloud thoughts or stop action. It can tell you that you should do things that aren't right. Or it can make you die a perverbial "thousand deaths" before your time. Why do we Fear? Fear in general just seems a misplaced feeling. Like, if you care for someone, why not tell them. Because you fear rejection or something along those lines. But if that happens, was it ever meant to be?

Fear seems to have become a natural part of everyone's life. And many people are controlled by it. Those who seem to have a beautiful life may be secretly plagued by fear. But here in America, we have to put on the facade of fearlessness. We have to be go-getters and "tell it like it is". This two-faced aspect really bothers me at times. If I'm at work for instance, my boss says, "You need to smile Dave." I think, "What if I'm not having a good day? I have to lie to myself?" And of course, the answer is yes. But I fear losing my job, even if there are many others right around the corner. Fear is a strong emotion, but one must keep it in check. Otherwise it will destroy our lives without hesitation.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Old time is still a'flying
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun
The higher he's a getting
And sooner will his race be run
And nearer he's to setting

That age is best which is the first
When youth and blood are warmer
But being spent, the worse and worst
Times still succeed the former

Then be not coy, but use your time
And while you may go merry
For having lost but once your prime
You may forever tarry.

Robert Herrick

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