Selling Out?
I was just thinking about the concept of "selling out". I personally feel
that selling out may have less to do with a shortcoming on the part of a
performer, or an individual person, than it does with people's
unwillingness to accept change.
For instance, if someone changes their appearance and asks me what I
think, I have to respond, "I don't know. It's different". For since it's
different I can't make a cursory judgement on it. Unless I had previously
had a thought about a specific person changing in this way.
Most everyone feels uncomfortable with change. But many times, one
doesn't even realize change is occuring and expects things to go on as
they had previously. Like when a celebrity is accused of selling out.
Perhaps they simply changed their mind about something. And it's actually
the person viewing them that has the problem. It could be the viewer's
stigma that their star or idol shouldn't change. As Benedick says, "Doth
not the appetite change?"
One just needs to recognize change as simply that, change. It's an
unsurity about situation. Most people want stability, and things that
threaten that stability are looked down upon. But they shouldn't.
If we shadows have offended
Think but this and all is mended
That you have but slumbered here
Whilst these visions did appear
And this weak and idle theme
No more yielding than a dream
Gentles do not reprehend
If you pardon we will mend
And as I am an honest Puck
If we have unearned luck
Now to scape the serpents tongue
We will make ammends ere long
Else the Puck a liar call
So good night unto you all
Give me your hands if we be friends
And Robin shall resore amends
Robin Goodfellow-Midsummer Night's Dream-William Shakespeare
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