Ahh, a day of cancellations! First my driving instructor called to cancel at 12:30 (so the city of Toronto can breathe a sign of relief until Friday), then I was supposed to meet with the architecture guy who's head of subject posts and beg my way into the program but his secretary called to reschedule for tomorrow morning. So, it's my first day to be completely FREEEEE! I'm going to go and buy varnish and hope that it brightens up my life and brings meaning to my career path. Yes. Okay, two more days of non shopping, I can do this. Classic line for the day... I ask my friend "How's your girlfriend?" He replies, "She's alive". So I gotta go and buy this to varnish the table, before I meet Marianne at 2:38 and 3 seconds in the Buttery. Do not ask - you will be more confused than I am.