From Sixteen Candles...
"What's your first name?"
"What's your last name?"
"What's your middle name?"
Oh man, I had the funniest day today. I got offered dinner by a telemarketer!! This guy calls from Bell Canada long distance and he was trying to convince me to switch my plan from Primus back to Bell Canada. I told him that I wasn't interested in any services from Bell as they hadn't given me very good service in the past. He kept trying to convince me and kept on adding money and incentives and packages and deals and taking away cost etc etc.. it basically came down to Aeroplan miles and the better rates that I get with Primus. So I told him that... and he's like, "There's absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind and give us another chance?" I'm like, "Ummm... probably not.." He's like, "Not even if I cook you dinner??" I'm like, "Oh man, it would have to be a really good dinner to convince me!" He's like, "Well I'm a good cook!" I go, "Well, I'd take the free dinner but I can't guarantee switching phone services!!" Ahh, I laughed for about 5 minutes after that.
Then I bumped into my friend Jason who works at Pottery Barn on the way to Dundas and Dovercourt - Little Brazil, where I was supposed to do site analysis and count pedestrians again for 15 minutes. He told me that apparently there is a really gorgeous hustler that camps out on the corner of Bay st and this side road - right outside Polo Club II where my friends Lorien and Alicia just moved into... get this... from 10am-2pm. How odd is that?! So I'm going to go running tomorrow morning just to catch a glimpse and see if this hottie is all he's reputed to be. Jason was just jealous because yesterday when I was working in home accessories and he was working in entertaining, this guy who he thought was cute came up and asked ME for help and not HIM. hahaha... sucker. just kidding.. I love this guy - he is so much fun! Anyways, the guy yesterday was having a decorating dilemma... so I spent about half an hour helping him out and showing him stuff which was worth it cuz he ended up buying quite a bit. He paid by credit card and when I saw the name I had to remember it to tell Jason. So I said to Jason after the guy left, "So, what'd you think of GINO then?" He's like, "Shar, isn't that kind of un-PC?" I'm like, "No, honey, his name is really Gino.." He's like, "Damnit, why'd you have to tell me that - that totally ruined everything!"
Which led us onto our talk about models. Don't get me wrong - I have friends who are/were models and I love them to death.. but we're talking guy models here. Even if they seem really really down to earth, most of them are vain as all hell. Jason was like, "Yeah, there's this guy who I have to call like, 4 hours ahead of time to warn him that we're going shopping. And he's straight! But he honestly needs that much time to shave. He shaves everything. Honey, how long can it seriously take to shave though??" I was like, "Dude, I know... and tanning salons and when they start talking about natural highlights... it's too funny. I just can't see myself going out with a guy who takes longer to get ready than I do - *I* should be the one primping right??" He's like, "I know exactly what you mean, honey, believe me, I know." So today was the day that I've been waiting for FOR AGES!! It's memorial day in the states and TLC did a Trading Spaces marathon!!! 11 back to back episodes. oh MAN. I was in heaven. Plus, I got Melly addicted, it was hilarious! We had chicken nuggets and popcorn chicken for dinner. Yum. And I'm thinking of cutting my hair. And maybe put some more copper in there too. Any thoughts? Nope, I don't have any thoughts either. hollow as a hollow cranium. Yep. I'm supposed to do this assignment for wednesday. Dang. Gotta get my ass moving... I swear, I have the HOTTEST T.A. he is so gorgeous it's worth waking up at 8am for my 9am tutorial. He's the only reason I'm putting any effort into this assignment at all since it's such a bird course... come on - how retail spaces decide where to locate? Umm, hello, is my name not Shar and am I not a shop-a-holic? DUDE. The shops go where I go. Oh yeah, got a new blue bath mat. heheehhee... Pottery Barn - PB Classic collection. Good shit man. Here's a pic of Pat and his dog which I think is absolutely hilarious..
And another, just because...