My Friends

Myself, Andy and his father assemble for a picture before we head to the alter.
Myself and the ring bearer Nathan Swenson (who bears a stunning resemblence to a young McCauley Culkin) going over last minute details.
IT'S is the Ybarra family.
The entire wedding party squeezes into one frame.
There doesn't seem to be any privacy for the groom to kiss his bride.
Our picture with the Bride, Leah Ybarra
Andy and Leah make the perfect couple with cousins Nathan and Natalie
Picture of the wedding party inside of the church before we part to the reception.
Andy and Leah cut the cake.
Probably talking about the NBA playoffs again while Leah interjects to remind us we are at the wedding party table.
Discussing when I should make my Best Man speech, or as Andy refers to it - the 'don't embarrass the hell out of me' speech.
My favorite picture: The friend I've known for 15 years of my life, his new bride, and a very happy me.
My second favorite picture: A man that is in love with his wife.
This is the point where Andy is no longer humored by all the pictures.
Father Ed Beiswenger dances with his daughter the bride.
Another kiss.
Some people getting their funk on like it was 1999.
Bridesmaid Robin and her main man Dan were the biggest Vikings fans in Minnesota.
The point at which I should have been more aware of my surroundings.

Thanks for everything Andy - congratulations