Girls Night Out

After the rehearsal dinner, the girls went out to party. They decided to go to The Royal Palms where a live band was playing. It was lots of fun drinking, dancing and watching wierd people. At the end of the night we ended up with only one vehicle to carry us all home because the guys had the other car AND THE KEYS TO THE CONDO, unfortunately it was a Honda Civic, considering we got there in the Civic and a mini-van. The girls finally got home at about 11:30pm and we all crammed into one condo until the guys came staggering in at about 1:30am. Its a good thing that all bars and clubs close at 1am in Cayman or else we would have slept in Paula's and Eddie's condo. As wedding presents Drew and I got underwear that was very scary and embarrassing to open at Royal Palms. Drew was so lucky that he didn't have to open his musical Mr. Happy in front of everyone at Royal Palms. The guys also went out but THEY have no pictures of thier time out because they said it could "constitute divorce proceedings", but I think they were too wasted to use a camera.

Jami, Jennifer, Paula and Christy and Mystery Man

Jami & Jennifer (with thier hands in the air) and Christy & Mystery Man

Carol and Paula enjoying thier drinks

The girls at Royal Palms

Jami, Jennifer and Christy

Drew's "surprise musical thong"

Courtney and Christy being shuttled in the party bus (and yes that is Curt and Carrie being luscious in the background)

Kelly being sweet talked by a drunk we named "Paw Paw"

Kelly's pink furry panties

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