Darkness Reasoning
24, 2000
Silently in the dark I sit alone.
Everyone is resting in my humble home.
To wake them I dare not try.
So to my chair I retreat and cry.
As tears consume my face
I ponder as to why I’m in this place.
As many tears become more and more
I question as to what I am here for.
I calmly try to reason things out.
Yet I’m filled with fear and doubt.
I know I am a good person to all
But why do I hurt so deeply when I fall?
I am who I am, and I’ve learned along the way.
I sometimes express what I feel instead of the right
thing to say.
I may not always be strong-minded and determined.
Of my many faltering ways; I’m often reminded.
Letting go and moving on is what helps to heal.
Opening up and letting it out how I feel.
Expressions are lost if you hold back over time.
My words I voice come from my heart and in my rhymes.
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