Where Will I Find Friendship?

As the night time begins
     Raindrops are still falling
I reflect upon my newfound friends
 My mind begins wondering.
Friendships from my past
 That closeness I once had is missed.
Fearing this relationship won’t last
 And that I will once again be dismissed
I cherish these people so dear
 I hope they feel the same
I long for their words and voices to hear
 A smile covers my face when they call my name.
A tear falls from my face
 I feel I’m at such a loss
Am I an embarrassment or a disgrace?
 Has my friendship been pushed away or to the side tossed?
Why can I not provide stableness?
 When will I no longer feel alone?
Will I ever find a friendship of happiness?
 Where will I find this to bring it into my home?

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