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Star Wars Internet Story Star Wars Internet Story Star Wars Internet Story

Star Wars Internet Story

Welcome to my page. I am Leia Skywalker. This is my Internet Story. People stopped participating, so there are no new sessions. However, the story is posted here, everything that happened, so that you can see it. It will be posted here soon. Have a great day! Also, learn more about me, the web designer. Will be updating shortly.

Any questions or comments? Feel free to E-mail me or message me using AIM. My screenname is ArwenMUC

more changes to be made on the page please sign up for an Internet Story, all the Internet Stories are now available......Endor, Prydain, Tatooine, Naboo, Coruscant, and Death Star please sign up for them all! Thanks and have a great day! Leia, webmaster, and person in charge of the SW Internet story
My webring, the Smuggler's Webring

The Internet Stories: This is where you can view the different characters in the stories. You do have the option of signing up for my note stories, soon to be uploaded here as well. Death StarA New Hope timing

EndorMANY MANY years before the timing of the Star Wars stories. This is my Episode One of the Star Wars Internet Story

Prydainabout 20 years before Tatooine story

TatooineThe beginning of the Sith, before TPM

NabooThe Phantom Menace timing

CoruscantEpisode 2 and 3 timing, it's my predictions on what I think will happen

webringsA list of where you can find various webrings that I belong to

Linksfriends pages along with my favorite sites and my friends favorites

Mr. Idiot StoriesWhere the Internet Stories began. This is a choice story.

The NotesNotes that my best friend from 8th grade and I did pretending we were characters from my Mr. Idiot Stories

RulesThe Mr. Idiot Story, Internet Story, Webring, and site rules

The JournalThe Diary..one of the 3 important things on Anuvuin

The DoorwayThe Doorway, the 2nd of the 3 important things on Anuvuin

The SwordThe 3rd of the important things on Anuvuin

Star Wars games and other gamesall about games that I have
Prydain Chroniclesthe series of books that I like so much. One of the things the Star Wars Internet Story is taken from

Spellbindermy favorite TV show. The second area The Star Wars Internet Story comes from

History of the SW Internet Storyfind out all about how the Star Wars Internet Story was created

Learn about the Webmastera page about me

Star WarsWhy I like Star Wars so much. The third of the places (and the main one) where the Star Wars Internet Story is taken

Postcards and pics from Francepics from my trip to France in the summer of 1999

the stories that go along with the Internet StoriesWritten Stories of the Internet Story

to the chatroom (role-playing area)
the original design by MC of the Star Wars Internet Story
The Neopets page- cute online pets
my page about my spiritual life
My page about my group of true friends, the Pineapple People
Thanks. Please sign the guestbook.
As you know my name is Leia. But I came here from another demention. Before I came here to this galaxy, I lived on a planet named Earth. I lived in a country called The United States. And was from the state of Ohio. You can ask me how I got here to this other demention if you like, but it is a long story.


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Dash Corta



Star Wars Internet Story makes no claim to the characters, storylines, situations (whether trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by federal, state or other intellectual property law) of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd., LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC or any of their respective affiliates or licensees that hold rights to any intellectual property herein alluded to, used, expanded upon or in any way affected by the content of this website. This website is maintained solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Star Wars fans, in accordance with the "Fair Use" provision of Title 17 of the US Code. All inquires regarding the content of Star Wars Internet Story should be directed to princelukeskywalker_2001@yahoo.com or leia_sk@yahoo.com.