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Arawn Corta
Arawn is a mysterious man who lives on the planet of the Blue Waters of Morva. He is the only one who lives there. Arawn fears people, and he has good reason to. He knows that the Emperor will kill him if he is ever found. You see, Arawn holds a deep secret: Arawn failed the Emperor long ago..when the Emperor told him specifically not to. Arawn hopes the Emperor thinks he's dead. As soon as he knew he failed the Emperor, Arawn fled to the Blue Waters and has lived there ever since. He still works for the Empire...he works for Darth Vader. Arawn is the only inhabitant of the planet Blue Waters, but there used to be a school here. Arawn is Vader's servant and is his spy. It is probably better not to even come into contact with him. He is very capable of killing people (he has done that before.)Arawn is a very dangerous person. (though he used to be the Emperor's top servant before Vader and after Maul, he was never a dark Jedi.
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