Endor: episode #6 The Race
Now, Id has rigged Walkers ship. He put something so the starting part of the ship would not work properly after awhile. He had put cow dung there. But that was after he built those rafts. You see, Iot and Id had been making at and intended on doing so until the time of the meeting, but forgot about the Race. Even after Id had rigged Walker’s ship. (That shows you how much they are in love with each other. They forgot the big events!) Sky and I have just kissed their guys. They were good luck kisses. Walker climbed his ship and so did Jed. They joked around with each other. “So, I’m going to be the winner this year,” joked Jed. “No, I am.” They just laughed and continued on. While on the other side of them, Id was getting in his ship, laughing evilly all the way. “That’s what you think. Both of you. You’re all wrong! Heh, heh, heh.” Id had not rigged Jed’s ship because he didn’t think Jed was that much of a threat. The sword was thrown and the race began. The Great Race. The one held annually. Who would be the victor this time? Read on to find out! Not long into the Race, Walker knew something was wrong. He tried shouting to the others, but they couldn’t hear him because he was so far ahead. Finally, his ship just stopped and the big tow boat towed him out of the race. He was forced to forfeit. Id and the other were left. “Hey, it worked,” muttered Iot. It’s time to call!” Id put on the ship and it looks like he’s going to. But not if Jed can help it. Now, Jed had never been the greatest sea captain, but he was determined, so he had a chance. Now back to that other place. Yoda was injured. Just then, a shadow crept up And kidnapped the baby Yoda. Matters are worse for the creatures. Back to the race. Find out what happens next time on Endor! Until next time!
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