Legends: Legend #4 The Force
For your information: this legend is extremely important in certain past times, but
is now forgotten...all due to something I can’t mention right away. But then it is
important...if the galaxy is to be freed....
The legend states that there is such a thing as a power that is a gift handed down
from one generation to another. It is a power, a very special power. As I have said, only
some people are gifted with it. It is something you can not just go out and get. You must
be born with it and it is inherited. Now, you don’t have to have the same level of force as
your parents, but if your parents have it, you have it. The force is the thing that the Jedi
Knights use as their power and strength. Like I said, it is a power, not a religion (like in the movies it is. I don’t want it to be a religion because I want them all to be Christians,
even the bad guys.) there are different levels of Force and they are as Follows:
Gwythaint Force-only the gwythaints poises this. It’s half a force (you will see on the
Force Scale later on). Gwythaints just have enough force to write codes in their language
(codes to us) and to be able to learn Basic.
Normal Force-This is what most people have. You will see where it is located on the
Scale of Forces, also. Now there are two kinds of normal force, Strong and average.
Average is from -1 -- -6. That’s what most people are. The few that are not are Strong
force. They can pilot ships better and can sense things better. They are better at using
the force and are dangerous to their enemies because of their force. To Dyrnwyn (if they
could ever find it) if taken away unwillingly from someone with Strong Force, then it will
not work for anyone else.
Royal Force-it’s the third kind of force. People with this force are very few. They can
make someone who doesn’t have the Force resist evil force or by making someone whom
doesn’t have it appear to be using it.
Force Scale:\
1/2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Gwythaint Average
Force -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14
Strong Force
-15 -16
Royal Force someone who has parents
who have : one having -14
and the other -15. This is a combination
of both forces
Okay, as you can see Royal Force is -15. Now, you see a 16. I will attempt to explain
this. -16 is if somehow there is someone with a strong normal force that has a kid with
someone with a Royal Force, any kids of theirs would have -16, an extremely powerful
force dangerous to all baddies. They would have both Royal & Strong Normal. Like
mentioned before a- is not a negative sign, but the sign of the Force. there is only one
aspect that is important I have not mentioned yet and that is twins and forces. If there
were to ever be a set of twins born to parents of a force, they would be dangerous to their
enemies because they could communicate easier through the Force then other people and
both of them have the exact same level of force as each together, even if they are not
identical. Anyone with any level of force can use it to decode the codes. With the Force
you can do many things. back to main page to Legend #5