this page is on the Star Wars games that I have along with other games that I have.
I have:

Yoda Stories(computer), X-Wing(computer), Super Star Wars(Super Nintendo), Super Empire Strikes Back(Super Nintendo), Super Return of the Jedi (Super Nintendo), Star Wars (gameboy), The Empire Strikes Back (gameboy)

Yoda Stories is a fun game where you're Luke and you're being trained by Yoda. you have to go on all these missions.
X-Wing is a game where you fly a ship and train and do battles.

The Super Nintendo games are fun. Most of the levels are like Mario games where you walk around, but a few levels are ships. It pretty much follows the story line of the movies, but not exactly.

Some other games that I like are:
Kings Quest-a series where you go on a quest. You collect things along the way to be used later on. You have to type things in the earlier games.

The Black Cauldron-a game on my old computer, but it's still fun. It's what got me interested in the Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander. The game's based on a cartoon Disney did for it as one of their classics. It runs very much like the King's Quest games except that you don't type anything (like in the early King's Quest Games). You also have to eat and drink.....and there are a couple different endings based on what you decide to do.

Oregon Trail-The one that's on my old computer. It's one of those games on those big black floppy disks. You see yourself traveling along....I think this one is a little more unfair than Oregon Trail II. Sometimes theives come and steal all your oxen. Oregon Tail II-I like this one a lot better. You get to go up don't do that in Oregon Trail. But you don't see the wagon traveling along, all you see is the map. This one's more realistic than the original one.

I won't bore you with the rest of my games: Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World, Mario All-Stars, Clue, Myst, but if you want any info. on these or additional information on any of the others, feel free to e-mail me or contact me on AIM.(I also have some codes for the Star Wars Super Nintendo games)
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