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Learn about the webmaster's faith

Thanks and have a great day! Leia, webmaster, and person in charge of the SW Internet story

Ever since I started working on websites I have wanted to present an opportunity on the Internet for everyone to be able to view my faith and a little about the most important thing in my life. I wanted to allow people from all over the world to have a place to learn about a personal relationship with God off of my own page. This is important to me because I wish to glorify God in all that I do...and to give all that I am to Him. He is the very reason that I can live. I do not wish to push my beliefs on anyone else, but only wish to share them to all who will listen. A link to my personal testimony will be found at Click Here

Although I will have an entire website dedicated to it, not to mention my faith at all on this page would be a mistake. It is at the very core of who I am.

The following are a couple of links where you can learn more about knowing God personally and being satisfied. Thank you.

Campus Crusades' booklet about knowing God personally

Campus Crusades' booklet about being spiritually satisfied