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Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

School of Environment and Resources Development

Field of Rural and Regional Development Planning

Master of Social Science MSc.

September 1997 to August 1999

 Thesis Title: Micro-finance Services for Rural Development In Cambodia: A Case Study of PRASAC Rural Credit Programme in Prey Veng Province. [Introduction][Research Design][Literature Review] [PRASAC Rural Credit Programme in Prey Veng][Macro Analysis on the Performance of PRASAC Credit Components in Prey Veng][Operational Performance of PRASAC Credit Componen at the Field Survey][Operational Effects at Household Level][Conclustions and Recommendations]


Major Compulsory Course include:

1)      Development Economics

2) Natural Resource Economics

 3) Statistic for Human Settlement Planning

4) Social Research in Development Planning

5) Research Preparation Seminar

 6) Planning Theory and Practice

7) Rural and Regional Development

 8) Project Planning and Implementation

9) Organization of Rural Development

10) Urban Environment Management Using Geographic Information Systems

11) Rural-Regional Planning Workshop

12) New Technology, Industrialization and Gender

13) Fundamental Management

14) Local Government and Decentralization

15) Agricultural Development and Planning

16) Environmental Impact Assessment       

