Welcome to my humble "unofficial" homepage for my alma mater, Qifa Primary School! While looking thru' a list of schools' homepages available, I felt so insulted that Qifa does NOT have one! Tsk tsk...so I thought I had to remedy the situation and do a very own page for my alma mater. Qifa will always have a very special place in my heart as it's there that I've built very lasting friendships with people like Hui Hui ,Xinyao, & Mingyi etc. Since I'm economically INactive this holiday, might as well do something constructive eh? *wink* We are the pioneers of Qifa too, since we are the very first batch of students to be enrolled when Qifa was opened in 1985. (The official opening was in 1987 though.)

In addition to paying a homage to Qifa, I thought this is a great way for all of us to keep in touch :) Therefore, I urge all of you to tell everyone in 6H this homepage and ask them to sign the guestbook, so that everyone knows where on earth we are, and what "interesting" stuffs we are doing *grin* This is especially useful for those who are overseas, like Hui Hui(Taipei), Desmond(Perth) and Xinyao(Hawaii). They must be homesick, missing our company eh? *wink* Interestingly, Huihui, Xinyao, Yixin and I ended up in the same class, 4J in River Valley High! *grin*

By the way, those of you getting a "little" forgetful and have forgotten where Qifa is located, go view the locality map! Anyway this guestbook is free for all who come from Qifa Primary School to sign; don't be shy, but do tell us your class and the year in which you graduate :)

I hope to add some pictures of ours when I have access to a scanner. If you have anything you wish to add, do e-mail me!


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PS. Do remember to hit the "Submit" button after signing!

So far, fellow classmates have been here!

PS.Reload if you came in through my Geocities homepage;the counter is a bit 'corrupted' then ;)

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