ok...when I first got on mIRC I was on the DalNet server..only because my sister's boyfriend (at the time) hooked me up and that was all I thought I could get on. Anyways, I got into chatrooms and everything was hunkey-dorey..then ppl start lyin to me. One guy I talked to every day said he was in his 20s, sent a pic and everything, and I'm like H-E-L-L-O...wanna meet me??:) We make a date to meet someplace, he shows up...he was 40+, fat and ugly. I'm like who the hell are you?! You are NOT the person I saw in that pic. He goes "gotcha" I'm like UGH and left. Then I was talking to some bi 30+ year old woman who wanted to get me, my fiancee' at the time, and her husband to do this trading partners thing..I'm like oh lord no. Well sometime in the course of our talking I had told her where I worked, so like every day she would come out to where I worked and ask me about getting together. I'm like uhhh we have plans=) So that girl started sayin rumors about how *I* was tryin to take her man away and got me banned out of a lot of channels on DalNet, so I ventured off and found Undernet. First channel I went into on Undernet was #Pa-Finest, which was all fun and good for awhile. I went to a Channel Christmas Party that was hosted by two people who frequented that channel, and I met fury there. I am not ashamed to say that I was instantly attracted to fury, because he is quite cute. Me and him got together on a couple of occasions and I had gotten pregnant. However, I miscarried;( I still see him on occasion and I'm learning to live with the facts of what had happened between us and what was the outcome, but it's been hard. Anyways, I also met a guy named Adam there who, very quickly, became a good friend of mine..he was the one who introduced me to the #PA channel. Unfortunately, me and Adam no longer talk:( But anyways, the #pa channel is fun at times..but most of the ops are totally hypocritical. They have rules that I can understand about swearing and sex channels because there are some kids that come in there that really dont need to be subjected to that stuff, but they are so two-faced it is pathetic! At one point and time, they told me what quit message I was allowed to have, what my /whois was allowed to have, and what my nicks were supposed to be. I'm like WHAT?! As long as I am not hurting anyone, it isnt right that I should have to change my stuff just because it doesn't suit someone... /Whois's and quits are your personal messages..kind of like your last words when you are quiting.:) They will tell a certain person that they arent allowed to do something...swear for instance, yet if another person they like who is a part of their "clique" and has kissed their ass every day, then they will let them do whatever they damn well please. Anyways, onto my bitching...IRC is a great place to find lamers. You can be in a channel talkin normally and stupid idiots will message you and ask you if they can be your slave, if you are a hooker, or if they can lick your shoes (DONT ASK!!) And then you got the people who dont have real lives so they sit on irc all day and make up things to make their lives sound interesting. And the thing with irc is that you really don't know they are lying unless you get to know them in real life..for example, if someone says they are pregnant, you really can't find out if that's true unless you go and meet them. But things have a way of getting out..eventually you develop really close friendships with people and you find things out...:) I really didnt develop friendships with people on irc for awhile...then I met Harley` (my husband, Charlie)...and we became like instant friends. I don't know how, I don't know why, but we did..and me and him have been together for over a year now. Anyways, my point is that irc is like real life..you have your enemies and you have your friends. And ya gotta watch out for the people that are nice to you and are real assholes behind your back about you...there are many of them on here. Yes, it is just words typed on a screen that's hooked up to a computer, but there are actual people on the other side being these wonderful people and again these real assholes who have no lives. It's your call who are being real friends on here..and it's sometimes hard to distinguish. I wanted the Internet so bad before I got it and yes I am hooked to it so much that I could never delete it from my computer, but to anyone who doesn't have chat programs such as mIRC, I would recommend not getting it. Yes, I have met Charlie on mIRC and I thank God every day that I have found him because he is the love of my life, but in another way my life was a hell of a lot more simpler before I got hooked up to irc...if people would come on irc just to talk and not make up stuff, it would be A LOT more tolerable and fun...

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