The Journeyer

The moon rises over the mountains of home,
lighting the path through a stillness of night.
A journeyer follows his shadow. He roams.
An aura of sorrow encumbers his flight.

Lost dreams and a vision so softly embracing.
The hearts' tender tears shed for reasons unknown.
Soft whispers of parting, to set his mind racing.
He knows, in his heart, he must journey alone.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 1998

~Journey Away~

A dusty and well traveled road,
not one to find a dream upon.
The journeyer bears a heavy load
and all he knew in life, is gone.

His footsteps slowed, by weight of years,
he grasps his tattered cloak in hand.
With burdened heart and unshed tears,
he leaves behind his native land.

All that he loved has long-since died.
His weary foot-falls tarry not.
One goal in life, one quest untried,
for destiny has cast his lot~
and fate can never be denied.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 1998

Journey Onward

Beneath the moon the, single form
of one who walks this world alone.
A journeyer, by ages torn~
recounts his fate and thinks of home.

He travels on an ancient road,
with justice at his journeys' end.
There is no one to share his load~
None on this earth he would call friend.

The moon, in silence, sheds her light
in equal comfort, here below.
The journeyer walks through the night.
A trial awaits him, he must go.

~Journey Alone~

The journeyer seeks through his minds present pain,
he must judge a friend, whom he loved.
This betrayal of honour scourges his brain.
Iniquity has all been proved.

Stars fill the heavens, so bright and so near.
The desert, at night, less forbidding.
Warmth of the sand takes the chill from the air,
all creatures alive, do their living.

The journeyer rises and walks on his way,
the end of his journey is near.
His staff and his cloak seem so heavy, this day.
Or perhaps it's his heart, filled with care.

~Journeying Onward~

A star-sun, in glory, sinks into the lake,
emblazons each cloud with its' fire.
He contemplates life, and a choice he must make,
which road doth his journey require?

The journeyer leaves the city of pain,
surviving the trial and the strife.
So with renewed hope, he travels again,
to seek a past love in his life.

~The Journeyer II~

The journeyer travels the road to Contentment.
A city of peace cast in silver and gold,
the one which he seeks weaves a spell of enchantment,
remembered persuasions, dreams haunting, of old.

Beyond, o'er the mountain, the bell-tower rises,
reflecting the hues of a dwindling sun.
The vision before him, invites, hypnotizes.
Continuing onward, he seeks for the one.

He enters the city, misfit and disheveled.
The dust of his journey inhabits his skin.
Serenity casts peaceful thoughts, all untroubled.
The best of his journey, he traveled within.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 1999

Alone, on the road to a sore destination,
the journeyer traveled, and let his thoughts roam.
Remembered the one, and her bleak revelation,
the yellowing pages of that aged tome.

All of the knowledge contained in its' pages,
could never have answered the question unsaid~
He must follow footsteps, down through the ages.
Is hope still alive, or is his dream dead.

~Journey North~

Deep within a fire-lit mountain cavern,
the journeyer permits his mind to rest.
Five days since he left the cheerful tavern,
to take up, once again, his heart-felt quest.

Two days into the mountains found him stranded.
A blizzard had denied his passage north.
Thus, his present straits had been remanded
to the fates, to grant his journey forth.

He traveled to the land of shade and darkness,
wherein there dwelled a lady he once knew
and loved, before she fell into a weakness,
denying him, although his love was true.

Through a sterile night of frozen stars,
the journeyer walked the open plain.
His journey northward takes him far
into the vale of mist and rain.

He feels a wistful, longing cry,
an echo from some tortured dream.
It stirs his soul and he must try
to comfort~ and his love redeem.

And where the fated quest will lead,
beyond the land of dark despair,
will be a promise once decreed.
Perhaps the light awaits him there.

~The Journeyer~A Place of Sorrow~

On this quiet night of subtle stars,
He sits alone, beside a sheltered stream.
Elusive memories beckon from afar,
Some half-remembered shard of broken dream.

Before him lay the sunless, dismal plain,
where hopelessness surrounds the light of life.
A place of graying fog- eternal rain~
Druidic Keep of Souls Unending Strife.

This Keep needs no guardian tower,
Nor turrents wrought of stone.
Each soul, which enters, chose the hour
and passes in alone.

The walls take shape from somber grey.
Her gardens bring no cheer.
Engraved in black, the entrance-way,
for penance is done here.

The pain inflicted during life
must be endured within,
and soundless cries of souls in strife,
the deathless pain of sin.

~An Answer~

How sad the plaintive echo sounds,
to the ears of one who knows.
Though filtered light, their cry rebounds
across the stream that swiftly flows.

Beyond the stream, the Druids Keep~
He turns his step, for he must stay
and enter there, where sorrows sleep,
to pray that he may find his way.

Within this land, his humble quest
has led him~ to achieve his goal,
he must first put all doubt to rest~
Are they the keepers of her soul?

Or did she cling to mortal life
in this, the land of stifled hope?
Amid tormented human strife,
would she have had the will to cope?

~Druidic Keep of Souls in Strife~

Through the mist of times' beginning
gathered souls in sorrow wept.
Souls which held no hope of winning
surcease of the pain they kept.

Pain acquired through harsh abandon~
spawned by greed and lack of care.
All the laws of love forsaken,
now they weep in bleak despair.

Here, they might receive redemption
through the suffering they endure.
Here, they may reclaim salvation~
the joy of hope will live once more.

~Journey By Sea~

Against the chill of autumn skies
the journeyer drew his well-worn cloak.
The Eastern shore before him lies
and memories these lands evoke.

His vision leads to islands fair,
somewhere across the Median Sea.
His long-lost love awaits him there-
He hastens toward his destiny.

Embarking on a cargo ship,
the passage paid with hard-won gold,
the crew cast off upon a trip
to islands, which his dream foretold.

The skies grew dark with autumns' chill.
The wind and waves rose high around.
A storm rolled o'er, of Zeus's will,
and cast the ship and crew aground.

A washed out sun cast feeble rays,
outlining wreckage and debris.
The journeyer dreamed in brighter days
and breathed life into memory.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 2001

~Journey Into Dreams~

There before him shone the moonlit garden-
Shadows etched a path through fragrant rose.
Long he sought his love, tender and ardent,
pursuing dreams, the only path he knows.

Gentle sleep has given life a meaning.
Her presence in his mind has set his goal.
And the light of love, so brightly beaming,
etched his journeys' path into his soul.

There, beyond the silent, silver moonlight,
the journeyer, at last, beholds the dawn.
There his love awaits, in radiant sunlight-
promising and bidding him go on~

~The Last Journey~

A golden morning brightly shone
upon a strange and wondrous sight~
Behold a phantom-ship alone,
bathed in a radiant wall of light.

It's beauty drew him to the shore,
a siren-song of pure delight~
She waited as she had before,
of ageless grace, adorned in white.

Immortalized forevermore~
Their longest journey just begun,
they cast off from this mortal shore,
and set sail toward the rising sun.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 2001