"Once you love you cannot take it back, cannot undo it.  What you felt may have changed, shifted slightly, yet still remains love.  Love does not change it's mind, only infatuation does"
Melissa Doss
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Update: May 23, 2005
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Wales Journal
   On Setember 18, 2005 I will make my way to the Columbus International Air Port.   My flight will be bound for London.  From London I'll hop on a train and head for Wales.  I will be spending the next 4 months in Camarthen Wales, studying at Trinity College.  I hope to keep some type of "travel blog" inorder to keep my many friends and family updated on what I am doing and where I am doing it, so be sure to check back during that time.
     In the mean time summer is here.  Argh!!  Not much to do here in town.  It is strange packing and moving home, I have not packed and moved in 2 years.  We  have a Wal-mart now, but it's not as exciting as the one in Galipolis.  We also have a water tower, yet it is not possible to climb it as it is in the middle of town.  There is no large buildings with a cat-walk that leads to the roof to spend an evening on.  It's not 20 degrese so I can't jump in the resivour and besides there are not naked people to jump with anyway.  Not miget Evan with an indoor bobsled.  And yes, I sadly miss my LOSER Alex.  Believe it on not Landon here they kind of frown on taking you know what, you know where, you know when.  Sadly Renee we have abandoned buildings, but I don't own the key.  Here there are no Spring Breaks that allow us to drive across the county, sleep in our van, visit old friends and meet new ones, see Mt. Rushmore, and climb the highest mountian in South Dakota.  The nearest Waffle House is to close to be fun.  Bob Evans is not the same here.  I can't walk out of my room and talk to my girls in the 6-man.  No one to share my shower, sink, and toilet with.......But I guess it is home, and it will have to do for now.