Here comes the bride...

We set a date! Septmber 3rd of 2000 at The Madison Hotel at 6pm.


  1. FROM NEWARK AIRPORT AND HOLLAND TUNNEL: Take 78 West to 24 West to 287 South, follow to Exit 35. At top of exit ramp, turn left onto Madison Avenue/124 East. Travel 1.7 miles to Rod's Steak & Seafood Grille/Madison Hotel on left.
  2. FROM LINCOLN TUNNEL: Take NJ Turnpike South to Exit 14 (78 West), proceed as in No. 1.
  3. FROM NORTH JERSEY AND UPSTATE NEW YORK: Take 287 South to Exit 35. At top of exit ramp, turn left onto Madison Ave./124 East. Travel 1.7 miles to Rod's Steak & Seafood Grille/Madison Hotel on left.
  4. FROM SOUTH JERSEY: Take 287 North to Exit 35. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto South Street. Take first right for Madison Ave./124 East. Turn right at stop sign and travel 1.7 miles to Rod's Steak & Seafood Grille/Madison Hotel on left.
  5. FROM WEST NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA: Take 78 East to 287 North. Proceed as in No. 4.
  6. FROM LONG ISLAND AND UPPER MANHATTAN: Take George Washington Bridge to 80 West to 287 South. Proceed as in No. 3.
  7. FROM BROOKLYN AND STATEN ISLAND: Take Goethals Bridge to NJ Turnpike North. Follow to Exit 14 (78 West). Proceed as in No. 1.