My Dark Side
Hi I hope you will enjoy my poetry and what ever else will be on this page.

Just to try something new I have added a page with a few poems in Danish.

I have now added some new poems. Im sorry it took so long.

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Last update: 08/11 06
Here are some poems, I hope you enjoy them
"My choise"

I close my eyes
while i feel the
metallic taste
from the gun barrel
in my mouth

I try to think
of all the bad
things in my life
to make my deccision
the right one

I concentrate
all of my strenght
on the finger which
squizes the trigger
but it dosn't seem to

There are nothing
here, holding me
back. I don't want
to spend another
20 years in solitude

My life is not
worth living, I
have relaysed
that. Im better
of, when im dead

Now im sure of
my descition and
takes a final breath
now the trigger
gently moves

I can hear the
noise but feel
no pain, only joy
I die with a smile
for now i'll never
feel pain again

In the dawn of death
million men in trenches
having there first smell of doom

Trembling with fear
as they pass a
field of destruction

Men slayed by bullits
falling in the intrests
of their persidents

Madness filling the
minds of the lonly
men in their doug-outs

Malestet bodys in
no-mans land
from life to death
in a single second

Marching in collums
like liveing dead
of to the meningless
slaughter of their generation
Even though god belsses the day
that you were born.
Later came the demons and
made your soul so torn.
So now, I guess, your fragile
mind has been too worn.

By now your sanity had been
sucked into a deep, black well.
I could talk with you no more,
you had locked yourself in a shell.
As hard as I tryed, I couldn't
pull you out of your living hell.

The more you drifted away I knew;
life no more you could choose.
I could see you would find no peace
untill you had your soul set lose.
Then came the day when I found you.
Around your neck there was a noose.


Hunting empty bodys
with a pole of fire
dark eyes in sorrow
souls of pain to be slayed

Blood dripping fear
running from a destanie
carved in stone 1000
years before time

Desolved corpses
stroken by a
simple stick
eternal fear died
with the immortals
1 4
2 3
Poems in Danish
Its not allowed to copy or in any other way use any poems without my permission