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April Year 2006 brings us joy & happiness

Love When it comes Asks no questions And needs no answers Love is a storm awakened.

Rising out of the night Love is summer surf And huge breakers Rolling in from the sea.

Sometimes love is a small bird Testing branches Or a hawk Sailing the skies

Love comes in many forms Many shapes But when love comes There is no disguising

And no hiding it

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Me Aquarius Starscope I am enthusiastic, ambitious, and determined,idealistic

& independent. I am vital spirited force that nourised and newed life.

I like to havea love for all things beautiful which is no less persuasive.

People respect me formine honesty, generosity, and original abilities, and these

will take me far so long as I dedicate them to the pursuit of good deeds.

My vision, purpose , or ideals is sharing my brilliant ideas with others in

an effort to enlighten them for their own good.

I like to travel and are always on the lookout for a new adventure.

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Hi everyone out there from any part of earth , nice to know all of you ,

feel free to email me. I was born year of Snake, Aquarius Starscope. Me is a

friendly , sincere person to know anyone , anywhere , anytime . My view for frindship

is caring, helping & concern for each other whenever there is need of help .

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A Forever Friend's Poem Sometimes in life, par you find a special friend.

Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh

until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.

Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship. When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty,

Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly

seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times,

and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.

If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever

friendholds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you

find such a friend, you feel happy and complete, because you need not worry. You have a

forever friend for life, and forever has no end.

More About Me

21 Apr 2006 & Created By Zoey Teng

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