Jagged Alliance 2 WildFire 3.0 Guerrilla Warfare MapPak

New Year's party log of CTPAHHOE.MECTO

Both Languages


to English mirror

left to the west

All came in world to pass the way
The fate prepared by
But since the start - you free in choice
She`ll changed if you try

Whole life you walking step by step
Could answer yes or not
One choosed law the other lie
some said - "No matter what..."

The right or wrong, the white or black
You`d choose your only road
One way returns you home back
Another leads abroad...

Just made decisions by yourself
Depending what you feel
Not fate is reason deeds you made
But only human`s will

to Russian mirror

right to the east

You should choose one of three ways if you want to continue ...
What is you choose?

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NB: There are some local mirrors of this page. Mirrors contents some where cutted due the space limits. If you want to get whole site, include True Colour images & guest book access, you`d better visit my main site on www.geocities.com

If you using some kind of Graphical Web Browser different from NN(NC) or IE & have any problems with my page - send me your notes.
I`ll try to fix any bugs if it`s possible.

All verses Copyright © 1999 by [Armagedo]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01-11-01 10:22:33.

Midi sound track: Wind of Changes

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