Bulgarian evangelical missions are to be found in America since 1907, they are based in: St. Louise, Chicago, Battle Creek, Toronto and Montreal. They started their activity almost 2 years before the Bulgarian orthodox churches and society. Although small in number they have helped greatly for the spiritual, moral and even material uplifting of our immigration, especially in the big industrial cities.

Bulgarian immigration 96 years ago originated mostly from the country side. They settled in the big industrial cities of the North Eastern (and Central) Unites States, lacking language skills. Because they were ignorant of local customs immigrants needed Bulgarians with good English to assist them in finding jobs, schools for their children. They also needed someone to held English language classes, act as translators and introduce them to the local immigration laws.

The most qualified people for this, were Bulgarian missionaries, who had graduated in America or the American Colleges in Samokov and the Ottoman Empire. Their training and interest in social work served the needs of Bulgarian immigrants.

The first Bulgarian Mission with a fulltime missionary was founded by Rev.Tzvetko Bagranoff in Madison and Granite City, IL. It was founded on December 1st, 1907 and was sponsored by the Illinois Presbyterian Synod.

Bulgarian Christian Mission at Chicago, originates from January 1908, however it served initially as a hotel, restaurant and shelter for new immigrants. Latter that year it became a regular mission.

Latter Bulgarian missions were active in Kansas City, St. Louise, Toronto and Battle Creek. Historical records show that the first Bulgarian schools for English, first reading rooms, first Sunday schools, and first social gatherings were initially organized by the Bulgarian Missionaries.

Also in USA there were a number of Bulgarian pastors working with American churches:
Rev. T.M. Kyoseff at Mount Pleasant, UT; Rev. T.M. Bakaloff at Seaton, IL; Rev. N. Nikolov traveling evangelist; Rev. Vinaroff at Kansas City and Rev. Petroff at Radgers AR; traveling evangelical singers: Georgi Ivanoff Preslavski, at Mishawaka, IN.