After his graduation he moved to Chirpan where he was baptized by Rev P. Doycheff, June 1910. After visiting majority of the Baptist churches in Bulgaria, he finally settled at Stara Zagora, he rented a building and started his preaching ministry. In 1912 he was married to Anka G. Chomoneff, fresh out of the missionary school at Berlin, after which they together came to Unites States, where they attended seminary. After the death of Rev. P. Doycheff the church in the town of Chirpan called Vidoloff as preacher, he answer their call January 1914. In January 1915 he was anointed as pastor (together with Levchev, Hristoff, and Tahtadjieff) by Raichev and Gerasimenko. During 1916 Vidoloff moved to Sofia as assistant to Rev. Sp. Raichev, where he started printing the newspaper ?Duxovni rechi? and tracks. He was elected as secretary of the Baptist Union and editor of magazine ?Evangelist?.
May 17th 1921 Zaprian Vidoloff left for USA as elected secretary of
the Bulgarian legation of the Stamboliiski cabinet(he was stationed in
Washington DC). Two years latter he became the vice-consul in New York.
After the coup of July 9th 1923 he was called off from his responsibilities.
In 1924 he took a missionary work among the Bulgarians in Chicago. There
he continued the work in the ? Bulgarian Christian Mission? founded in
1908. After the death of the Bulgarian consul and the closing of his office
in Chicago, the mission served as legal position of Bulgarian consulate.
Vidoloff passed away in 1948.