Lady Renee's Home Page

Welcome To My Home *smile*

My Little Piece of Tara

I am back :)
I will be updating and bringing more here now
Nasser....Thank you for being there...Thank you for believing in me. :))

The Last Christmas of the Millennium
The Only Gift Of a Lifetime..
The Millennium Gift
Shop In Comfort

I am Proud to be adopted by some wonderful caring beautiful people.
Their thoughts...beliefs...outlooks on life make me proud to know that in my life they have touched me as they have done and have included me in their thoughts and in their lives.
Thank you my very proud friends (~_~)

Lady Renee is a Proud Indian.

Join the Proud Indian!
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Here are some links for anyone who is from India or of Indian descent or anyone who would like to know more about my proud friends.

Please take a moment to sign my guest book a bit farther down the page...

I would like to hear what you think of my site,
and return the vist to your site!

Ok...after over two years of having my web site...and people wanting to know more about me...I have decided to put up a page with some info. Not too much (^_^)...but more about me.
If you are curious..
Look Here

Christmas 1997...Thoughts

Christmas 1998...Welcome

Click for Sioux Falls, South Dakota Forecast
Please Visit Our Sponsors

Click for Sioux Falls, South Dakota Forecast

I want to bring to you, my Hopes, my Dreams, and my Thoughts.
Maybe they will touch a part of you and bring light into your life.
I'm hoping so.
My Best,

Would you like Romance in your life?
Do you want to meet new people?
Meet your best friend, love, soul mate?
Look Here

WebRings I have joined
go here

My Loving Friends

Where would I be without my Friends?
I would be without all the love you surround me with,
All the support you prop me up with,
All the forgiveness you shield me with,
All the caring you shower me with,
All the Joy and Sunshine you pour into me,
All the tears you share with me,
And all of the Memories you fill me with.
I Love You All

Here we have Links...Please enjoy...


Thoughts of Renee

Renee's Mountain Home on the Web

Visit My Chat Room and New News Tickler here

Go To Blake's Page
Learn the web with my favorite Grandson!!

Surprise Son!!
Happy Birthday Jeff!!

Links to great Poetry!!
I am finding some beautiful Poems. Look and see!

My Cyberspace Sister JediCyBabe's Home!!!

Thank You for the Wonderful Award!!!
You are a Super CyberSis!
For web page tips and more awesome things!

Visit her Home!!

And for another wonderful page!!!
Go To Cantoo's Home!!
A wonderful place of people and places and links

Go To Diablo's Home
He has some sounds for you!!

The Ol'Kunnel's Bar and Grill
A very nice site! The O'Kunnel will make you feel welcome!

A very good friend here on the web.
Thank you Neil, for being a friend.
Neil's Place

Visit a wonderful Spirit!
She has much to share on her site.
A real Angel on the Web.

Thank You for this Beautiful Award Skylark!
You are Truly a Gem.
Vist her Awards Page!

I am very touched by all the awards!
Thank you again Skylark!
This is awesome!

Thank you for my Guardian Angel Fullmoon43!
I will cherish it.
Please visit this exquisite site!

More Wonderful Friends!!
The Heavens and More!

Sadness has brought alot of us together.
Please visit a moment and remember.

(Click on the ribbon to enter.)
Please take a moment to pay tribute to Princess Diana.

(Click on the ribbon to enter)
And now another has passed. Mother Teresa

Visitors have been to my home. Thank you for being here

Keep the Vigil

enter here

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A Special Hello to my Loved Ones.. Lots of Hugs and Kisses!!! (^_~)

And Kids...Call home.. *smile* I Love You!!
Blake, Jade...Grandma Loves You Very Much!!!!

Mom and Dad...Welcome to my World (^_^)

H...No matter how much we argue, you are still my friend.
So just hush. *grin*

A big thanks to Cybrjunki1 for all your help!!

And a big hug For Billie Jo!!!! Your help got me thru this in one piece!!

Want to know more about the Smokey Mountains?
The Smokies Magazine is here!

The Smokies Magazine

Link Encyclopedia
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