The Rain Must Fall Malachi's Yanni Page



Music, by nature should be engaging. It should move you. If it does not move and inspire you, what is the point of listening to it. Yanni's music, in all it's wonder and diversity, does just that.By pulling from the full palette of sounds of music, Yanni creates music that is greater that the sum of it's notes. From the lyrical piano of "In The Morning Light" to the synthesiszed rythms of "Within Attraction". From the majestic orchestrations of "Santorini" and "Swept Away" to the stirring Soprano of "Aria", Yanni sculpts passion and sprit in his music.


Other Yanni pages on the Web:
Yanni, Windham Hill: Official Site
Reflections: An unofficial fan page
Unofficial Yanni Fans: a superb site and my principal rescource