_farley 's Home Page

_farley's _family

Hi, I'm _farley. Hope you enjoy this little
meander through part of my life...

"You will find,as you look back upon your life, that the
moments that you have truly lived are the
moments that you have done things in
the spirit of love"
--Henry Drummond--

"Wolf is my companion,
we walk together on our journey.
Wolf is my guide,
he shows me the path I must walk.
Wolf is my guardian,
he protects me from all harm.
Wolf is my teacher,
he shares the wisdom of the ages.
Wolf is my comfort and warmth,
I find shelter in his shadow.
Wolf is my spirit,
he has touched my soul."

We met in the void.
And out of that darkness,
we created a place of warmth
and light....Thank you,
Mi Corazon.

"A part of you has grown in me,
together forever we shall be, never apart.
Maybe in distance, but not in heart"

The Rest of the Family

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