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About ME!

Okay, this is the part where you get to find out about me and who I am and what I do when I'm not looking after this little corner of cyberspace. I certainly hope I'm interesting enough...

Vital Statistics:
Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Too Weirded Out to Ask

Name Amanda "Elfie" Wilson
Age 22 years
Marital Status Single
Physical Appearance Small, thin, blue eyes, brown hair, glasses. Look at the logo, subtract the pointy ears and shrink the eyes down a bit, and you've got me. ^_^
Hobbies Writing, drawing, dreaming, singing, goofing off with my friends (online and in real life), Role-Playing, Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), watching anime and cartoons, and generally having a good time.
Favorites of the Update Movie: The Princess Bride
Food: Spaghetti with butter and mozzarella--Mmmmm!
Drink: Generally non-alcoholic...milk. It does a body good!
Music: Well, that all depends on the song and my mood...varies from moment to moment. Anything but Heavy Metal and Rap. *shudder*
Clothing: Medieval and slightly odd
Color: Purple, blue, and silver. Okay, so that's three colors. So sue me. ^_^
Book: That's a hard one! Ah...Harry Potter. If you haven't read it, DO.
Comic: No, this doesn't count in the book section. ElfQuest. (I love you, Richard and Wendy!)
Inspirations Mom and Dad, God, my bro, Wendy and Richard Pini, Michael Whelan, Anime, Robin McKinley, my friends Ariana, Dopey, Froggy, and Caden, and J. K. Rowling.
A Short Bio

Ahh...okay. I'm in my fifth year of college and trying to finally get a degree in Multimedia. I thought I wanted to be a teacher, but then I realized that what I really wanted to be was an artist/writer/web designer. This web page is part of my plan to get my art and writing out there and eventually TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA....oh, wait. That wasn't part of the plan, really.

Anyway...I have a really nifty family--both of my parents have only been married once, and that was to each other. They're still together. I'm so proud of them. I also have a very spiffy little brother who's about half a foot taller than me and even weirder than I am, as scary as that seems.

I also have a lot of neato friends, and they all know who they are. I've linked to most of their webpages on my Links page (or I will, once I have it up...).

I've been drawing and writing practically since I could pick up a pencil. I love both, and I want to be a published writer and artist within the next five years. I'm workin' on it! ^_^;;

That's all about me! (And it's quite enough, I should think!)

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