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11/9/2000:Rant #1--Harry Potter

First of all, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear: I hate fads. I hate them. They drive me insane. When I first heard about Harry Potter and his popularity, I thought to myself, "I will not read this series. If so many people are screaming about it, I don't want to go along with the crowd." Silly, I know, but I pride myself on being original.

Fortunately for me, this illogical avoidance was not to be. I was going to a Christian college at the time, and they assigned Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I think they did it mostly because the book was so controversial in Christian circles. I started reading it, even though I didn't need to have it read for another six weeks, because it looked more interesting than the rest of my textbooks. Within the first page, I was hooked. I mean, HOOKED. I went out the next day and checked out the other two books from the library, and when the fourth book came out, I bought it at Costco on the very first day. Harry Potter is ultra-spiff.

To qualify this glowing recommendation, you need to know something--I am SUPER picky about my fantasy books, especially those I have that are intended for children. The entire Harry Potter series contains engaging stories, excellent language, fabulous characters, and a wonderful plot that continues building through all four books. In general, most fantasy series tend to go downhill after the third book or so. Harry Potter doesn't. Adults, kids, and kids-at-heart can all enjoy this series. I can't wait to find out what happens next! Another thing I could rant about regarding Harry Potter is the controversy that surrounded it for so long. If you already like Harry Potter, you've probably heard about people saying that it was an evil series because it involves wizardry and witchcraft. As a Christian, I can understand that a bit. But as an avid fantasy reader, I would just like to say this: It's a STORY. That's what fantasy means. I get annoyed and frustrated when people label fantasy as evil, especially when it's as good as Harry Potter. Especially since Harry Potter is getting lots and lots of kids to READ, which is something that kids don't do enough anymore. Heck, I LOVE to read, and I don't do it enough anymore! There's this thing called college...but that's another rant entirely.

I guess the lesson to be learned here is that you shouldn't let an avoidance of fads make you miss out on something as good as Harry Potter. If you like fantasy at all, try Harry. You won't regret it, I promise.

It occurs to me as I read over this "rant" that it sounds like an advertisement/book review. I can't help that. I'm hooked on Harry Potter, and you can be, too! Read! Read! Read!

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